Readers often ask questions like:

Can you write this English phrase in Sanskrit?
Can you translate this into Siddhaṃ/Tibetan?
Can you translate this text into English (from Sanskrit ot Tibetan)?
What does this syllable mean?

Siddhaṃ and Devanāgarī (देवनागरी) are scripts which can be used for writing a variety of languages. Sanskrit is a language which can be written in a variety of scripts. Very often people confuse Sanskrit and Devanāgarī the main script used to write Sanskrit in North India today. Tibetan is more easily confused with the dbu-can script, though again there are a number of scripts used for writing the Tibetan language: dbu-can, dbu-me, drutsa etc.

If you want something English written in Siddhaṃ (or Devanāgarī) then it should (preferrably) be translated into Sanskrit first. Part of the reason for this is that although Sanskrt has 50 letters none of them are 'f' or 'z' and Sanskrit confuses w/v. Some English vowel sounds are difficult to represent using only Sanskrit letters - though it improves if one used the modifications to Devanāgarī for writing Hindi - but no one asks me to write things in Hindi. At present I read and write Siddhaṃ and Devanāgarī, and I can follow other scripts, but I don't know enough Sanskrit to do translations of random passages. I should say though that Japanese people can and do use Siddhaṃ to write Japanese words.

There are many Sanskrit dictionaries on the internet if you just want to look up words. To look up an English word one might use for instance: This gives you an answer in a form of Roman script and in Devanāgarī.

Or you might use the Monier-Williams Sanskrit dictionary on Koeln Uni dictionary site for looking up Sanskrit words in various form of Roman script. The output is Devanāgarī.

If you want phrases translated into Sanskrit then can I recommend you try: Free Online Translations.

I don't speak Tibetan. I can write the script if I have a model to work from (these days I type it!) A good online resource for Tibetan is the Tibetan Character Picker. If you want a Tibetan Tattoo the contact Tashi Mannox. He speaks Tibetan, is a gifted calligrapher and does this for a living.

I might have a chance of writing something in Siddhaṃ if you could supply me with Sanskrit in a fully diacriticised form. Diacritics matter! I can work with various systems of indicating diacritics ITRANS, or HK, or Velthius... or even Devanāgarī which I also read quite fluently (again ironically I know the sounds, but not what they mean!).

What mantras mean is a very difficult question to answer - even if they contain translatable words. It is better to think in terms of what a mantra does... see my essay What is a mantra

Lastly I'm an ordained Buddhist and I'm interested in Buddhism and Buddhist mantras. I know a little about Hinduism - but only enough to know that I do not believe in Hinduism, especially as I have many Dalit friends. My motivation to transcribe Hindu mantras or phrases into Siddhaṃ is pretty low, especially if the sentiment is one I disagree with: tat tvaṃ n'asti ca nāhaṃ brahman! Sabbe dhamma anitya.

I hope this clarifies what is on offer here. I'm currently very busy with learning Sanskrit and producing my book - so most other stuff is on hold. I will give priority to anyone who has made some attempt to help themselves.

Best Wishes